What it is like to EXPORT: expectations versus reality
EXPORTAR: expectativas versus realidad

Expectations have never been good travelling companions. It doesn’t matter if that trip consists of spending a week in the Maldives or if it is the adventure of starting to export outside our borders.

But, starting from the beginning… what does the word “Expectations” mean?
According to the The Royal Spanish Academy RAE:

From the Latin exspectātum ‘looked at, seen’.

1. f. The expectation of accomplishing or achieving something.

2. f. Reasonable possibility that something will happen.

The downside of raising expectations? The worst part is that it will mean you have created an idyllic perspective in your imagination. And what can happen both on your trip to the Maldives and on your journey starting to export?

Reality is sometimes not so idyllic.

And our expectations can lead to disappointment at the slightest inconvenience.

EXPORT: expectations versus reality

Today we want to share some of the differences between what many people expect from exporting and the reality of what you may find when you start exporting.

First of all, before starting your internationalisation, create a strategic internationalisation plan (including GOALS rather than EXPECTATIONS).

Any expectations that will not add value to your internationalisation strategy? For example, thinking that you will start selling internationally as soon as you start your export campaign. It is not advisable to develop high expectations in the short term because they can turn into disillusionment if the results do not go well in the first moments.

Why do we say this? If only we knew when every company that starts exporting will start selling. It is not only complicated. It also depends on many factors. That’s why it pays to have a short-term plan, as well as a medium- and long-term plan.

And it is important not to be afraid to modify these plans as we gain experience and see (or not see) results. Analysing the path taken and the results obtained is vital for a healthy and strong internationalisation campaign.

More false expectations: My sector, my industry, will sell the same in all countries.
If you want to export and you have created the idea that your industry works the same in any country around the world, the reality will surprise you.

For example, in this article you can read about the protocol and negotiation with Arab countries. Also, if you are planning to export to Japan, you can read this article with the specific protocol and negotiation for Japan.

But you don’t need to travel to exotic places. Exporting to nearby countries such as France or Germany; even exporting to countries with the same language such as Mexico… Each country and each internationalisation plan will have its own singularities.

And at Oftex we help you to focus on the right way to sell more in each part of the world!

Other expectations that can end up in a broken sack

Travel, travel and more travel! If your expectations include frequent trips around the world, you should know that to start exporting it is not mandatory to make a single trip.

It is true that face-to-face meetings have traditionally worked, and still work today, in a very positive way in the commercial sector, whether national or international. However, in this time of globalisation and technological development, coupled with the consequences of the pandemic, travel is no longer a necessity.

Trade fairs came to a standstill for many months and although they are now slowly returning to normal, they are far from being indispensable.

Nor are company visits compulsory. Because in fact…

At Oftex we have already carried out the first online wine tastings!
If you are asking yourself “How is this possible?” At Oftex we have, of course, taken care of contacting possible interested parties. We have created the “need” to know the product. And we have sent out wine samples. We have also generated an online event in which people have been able to enjoy a virtual or online wine tasting.

The result? An amazing experience for all parties involved.

Will this mean the end of traditional wine tastings? We are convinced it won’t! But adding possibilities and adding value to the international trade experience… here we are convinced that the present and the future will never cease to amaze us.


Both in the adventure of EXPORTING and for life, we encouraged ourselves to check once again the dictionary of the RAE (Spanish Royal Academy of the Spanish Language) and we found:

in the expectation of
1. loc. adv. without acting or making a determination until we see what happens.

To keep in the expectation, not to generate an idyllic or false approach. To nurture an open, flexible and curious vision in order to be clear about the project’s objective and to take advantage of any small bump in the road to redirect the plan.

Remember that in Oftex we have more than 20 years of experience as Export Consultants. You can check our Integral Service in this link and we would become the export department of your company.

You can also fill in the form below this article and we will contact you.

Export safely, export with Oftex.

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