Discover the most profitable markets for your Exports with EXPORTEST

In today’s interconnected world, exporting is a fundamental pillar for the economic growth of companies.

However, before you even think about starting to internationalise your products, it is important for your company to know what aspects you need to comply with in order to make the situation as favourable as possible for exporting, as well as identify which markets have the most potential for your products.

This is where EXPORTEST comes in, an innovative platform that makes this process more accessible and effective than ever before.


EXPORTEST is much more than a simple export analysis tool.

It is a comprehensive solution that combines the power of data with advanced algorithms to provide you with a detailed and personalised view of your potential export profile and export opportunities.

You no longer have to navigate blindly through the complex international landscape; EXPORTEST guides you through the export process to the most promising countries for your product with precision and efficiency.

Export Diagnostics: A Deep Look at Your International Potential

One of the most outstanding features of EXPORTEST is its ability to provide you with a detailed diagnosis that assesses your situation, resources and knowledge for exporting, accompanied by guidelines and advice to improve your profile as an exporter.

In addition, it offers you a detailed report on the weaknesses and strengths of your company and product, as well as an analysis of your financial health based on the main economic and financial ratios.

You will also have at your disposal information pills, with theoretical information, formal models and explanatory videos with all the information you need to export your products.

Discover the Most Efficient Countries for Exporting your Product

The heart of EXPORTEST lies in its ability to identify the most efficient countries to export your product to.

Thanks to a sophisticated algorithm that analyses more than 2.4 billion data from the last 5 years, this platform provides you with a ranked list of the most promising destinations for your business.

By compiling import and export data, EXPORTEST takes into account a wide range of factors to provide you with accurate and informed recommendations.

A Practical Example: Sports Footwear Exports from Spain

To illustrate the usefulness of EXPORTEST, let’s consider the case of exports of sports footwear with natural leather uppers manufactured in Spain. Yes, this is a specific example and we can also do an example with your product.


According to the data collected by the platform, Norway emerges as a particularly attractive market for this product.

1069% growth in exports in the last 5 years

In the last 5 years, Spanish exports of this type of footwear to Norway have experienced an impressive growth of 1069%, with an increase of 1339% in the last year.

Despite this potential, Spain only accounted for a fraction of Norway’s total imports in this sector, suggesting ample room for growth.

Exportest estadísticas

Fuente: Exportest.es

Portugal: A Market with Great Potential

In addition to Norway, EXPORTEST identifies Portugal as another market with great potential for Spanish sports footwear exports.

With a constant growth in its imports of this product, Portugal is positioned as an attractive destination for companies looking to expand in the European market.

Explore your Export Opportunities with EXPORTEST!

In short, EXPORTEST is the ultimate tool for companies wishing to maximise their export potential.

With its ability to identify the most efficient markets, provide detailed diagnostics and offer valuable information on internationalisation, this platform gives you the tools you need to succeed on the global stage.

Are you ready to take your business to the next level? Find out what EXPORTEST can do for you!

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